You've all seen those little "Update Surveys" that expecting mothers
blog once a month to share the progress and their experiences, right?
Well I decided to do one for Linus because he's our fur baby and I've never loved an animal so much in my life!
How old? About 10 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm guessing hes between 6-7 pounds now
Sleep: He's getting better. Only gets up a couple times a night to go potty and then he's up and ready to play between 6 and 7 every morning.
Best moment this week: He learned how to climb the stairs and he was so proud of himself!
Funniest moment this week: He started a the point where after a couple hours it started creeping me out.

Miss Anything? Getting a full nights sleep and being able to sleep past 8am!
Movement: Oh yes! He's one crazy guy. He sleeps a lot during the day but once 6 pm hits he's out of control. He does laps around the house and runs full speed towards his bowl. For some reason he likes to grab a mouthful, run to the living room and drop it there to eat it.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, I've actually been able to handle the potty situation and prying unknown objects and snails out of his mouth..
Gender: Male
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy until I take rocks out of his mouth.
Favorite things to play with: Anything he can play tug a war with and his giraffe Keefah. We named the giraffe that so Tim could say, "I see ya wiff Keefah!"
Looking forward to: The biting stage being over. My arms and hands are so messed up.
seriously the fregin cutest picture ever with him smiling.
ReplyDeleteoh i love the fur ball baby survey.
my fur balls are my kits (kitties and kids) but they aren't babies anymore..
but i love hearing about him.. i eep pretty loud (in my head)
This is such a cute idea. Fur babies are the best!
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute!!
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