This was probably one of the best Valentines Days I've ever had.
No pressure, just fun and love between my husband and I!
The boy ran out to the store and came back with tons of surprises including:
flowers, balloons, chocolates, ice cream, and my all time favorite, gum!

Most of the day was spent preparing a special Valentines treat for the members of our small group at church.
I really wanted to make it fun for everyone so in true Jenna style I went a bit overboard!
Unfortunately I didn't get very good pictures because I was too busy trying to set everything up.
I set up a Candy Bar with little bags to fill and take home
The theme was things that are meant to be together which was perfect because I've been wanting
to make these super cute chocolates!

I also made each couple their very own mini-wedding cake

Homemade cookies. "You're the chocolate chip to my cookie"
You're the veggies to my dip

You're the cheese to my crackers

All of the work was so worth it.
Girls from another group even came over to take pictures.
Our meeting went really well too. We were separated into groups of men and women and it was so
awesome to see that there were several girls going through the same struggles that I am.
It's always nice to know you aren't alone and we all felt so much closer in the end.
Man, that was a snack and a half!! The ice cream dishes looked soo cute!