Happy Groundhog Day!
Good ol' Punxsutawney Phil showed up and told us theres 6 more weeks of winter.
If it's anything like our winter has been so far, it will be 80 degrees all week.
Lately I've just been trying to stay busy and motivated. It seems to be working.
I decided on a color for the craft room and I plan to start painting soon.
Yesterday I met Emma in Temecula for a visit to Hobby Lobby, Sephora, and Williams Sonoma!
To top it all off I had my very first cupcake from
Truly Madly Sweetly Bakery and it was
I had what they call the "Whiteout". A vanilla bean cupcake with Vanilla bean buttercream frosting!
Poor Emma was ready to eat her cupcake and I stopped her to take a picture. I forgot she's not used to me yet :)
Today I had to see an orthodontist for the jaw pain I've been experiencing.
The doctor decided I probably clench my teeth in my sleep and when I'm stressed
(which for me is most of the time).
But I mostly brought that up so I could show you the office.
I've never seen anything like it.
A motocross themed dental office complete with a real dirt bike and staff wearing pit crew gear!
I had to find some pictures to prove it:

Only in the Inland Empire...
What!?! Thats hilarious!!