Today we decided to take a cable car to Fishermans Wharf.
The only problem was that we had to board it right smack dab in the
middle of the pride parade.
It was pretty crazy. For some reason the half naked men running around
in fairy wings didn't affect me as much as the arguing between the parade go-ers and the protesters standing on their soap boxes telling them to repent.
Pretty intense stuff.

But we finally got on to take our romantic trolley ride up and down
San Francisco's hilly streets...
It's not like it is in the movies people!
They pack you in there like cattle and you're guaranteed to have
a foreign mans butt or crotch in your face.
Plus, the guy steering it was very loud and would say things like,
"Yeah! Stick your head out farther! I've got a band-aid for ya!"
"Lean your head back any further and I'm gonna hit ya with this and
it aint gonna feel good!"
Did the Tanners from Full House deal with this guy?!

BUT! I got to experience it, and I got to stand up, and I got to smack my purse
on a few parked cars as we trollied along..
$13 well spent.

When we got to Fishermans Wharf we could see bits of the Golden Gate Bridge
but it was still a little foggy.

Alcatraz in the distance.
I was surprised, it kinda looks like a castle and the hills
around it are very green.

After lunch at a cute little diner we decided to "Man up" and walk to the, quite the haul. It was a scenic route though, so it was worth it.

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