I've neglected this blog.
I fully intended on updating daily but life tends
to get in the way.
Sometimes life just isn't exciting enough to blog about.
I'll do my best.
Our San Francisco Sister/Bachelorette Extravaganza was a lot of fun.
I wasn't feeling to hot but we were able to do a
lot of stuff and I think
Devon got an adequate picture of S.F.
My favorite part of the trip was being able to bond
with her. I feel so much closer to her
and I was shown what an amazing, nurturing, understanding, woman she's grown into.

The 1st was our 2 year anniversary! I can't believe it! 2 YEARS!
The boy gave me one rose for every month we've been together...that's a lot of roses.
We went to Disneyland and rode Star Tours twice :)

So..I think I'm funny sometimes...okay, most of the time. Usually
Tim disagrees but I know deep down that he thinks I'm hilarious!
A couple weeks ago I decided to put this little face on our picture that's on the ledge
coming down the stairs. I didn't say anything because I wanted to see if he would
notice. I waited all day and giggled uncontrollably every time he passed it.
I then found out that he already saw it earlier in the day and didn't say anything.
WHAT!? HOW COULD YOU NOT SAY ANYTHING!? A good part of my afternoon
was spent anxiously awaiting his hysterical laughter! Oh well..

Tonight I was walking down the stairs and found this:

He secretly thought it was funny or else he wouldn't have contributed...right?
Tonight we played catch out front!
The perfect end of summer activity