Today was such an amazing day for us. We went on an awesome adventure and took over 100 pictures! (Don't worry, I didn't post all 100 of them)
WARNING: Tim followed me around like he was the "Paparazzi King". Every time I turned
around he was snapping a picture. I honestly felt like Beyonce or something. At one point I was worried some of the foreign patrons might ask for my autograph :)
So what I'm trying to say is...Theres a lot of me in this post!
First we went to The Getty. It was such a beautiful clear day and we could see
all the way to Long Beach. Amazing Views! Its also very peaceful and quiet up there. I recommend that every one go at least once.

My sweetie <3

The gardens are also pretty amazing. A lot of very different plants..and smells. Right when we got down there we walked by a lady who said, "Wow! What an interesting smell. Kinda like onions or garlic." Of course Tim thought she was talking about him and he was very offended. :)

After about 60 pictures I tried to throw him off by showing him my sassy model pose..He just took more.

This is my face when I saw a really cool tree with white flowers hanging off of it..

This is my face after a bee flew out of the flower I was admiring..

After capturing the above picture, Tim shouted out "I got it!" and was almost content for the rest of our trip.

This is where Tims camera really blew my mind. These pictures look like advertisements for some miracle printer or something. Gorgeous! P.S. I took this one :)

We both agreed it would be fabulous to roll around in this grass..We both contained ourselves.

Tim decided this was one of his favorite pictures of the day, then proceeded to give me a million reasons why :) He's amazing.

He then asked me "Who's #1!?" and I replied "Me!"...I guess I was supposed to say him. Oops!

After leaving The Getty we headed over to Hollywood for lunch.

Next, one of the real reasons we went to Hollywood, The Hollywood Suit Outlet!
You've seen the commercials..The poor quality cable commercial with the Armenian men boasting that you can get like 3 suits for $100 bucks. They say "Once you visit us, you'll be a customer for LIFE!" Well, Tim has a conference in San Fransisco to attend and he and his co-worker agreed they would show up in style so he needed a classy suit. So where else would you go? HOLLYWOOD BLVD.! DUH!

After this I asked him why he didnt look happy and he said "Because I don't want to take pictures and look like a tourist and get mugged!" Touche.
And the results were spectacular!

Look at this sexy guy all dressed up and ready to attend a nerdy computer conference :P

So to sum it all up..BEST DAY EVARRRRR.
We really made our relationship stronger and I left him feeling more in love than ever.