Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I'm with CoCo

Rain Doesn't Stop 'I'm with Coco' rally at Universal.
January 18, 2010 | 4:06 pm
The rain did not, could not, would not stop the"I'm With Coco" rally today at Universal Studios. An estimated (if you can believe what you read on Twitter) 300 to 400 people gathered at the lot where "The Tonight Show" is taped to protest NBC's imminent firing of Conan O'Brien.
According to LAist.com the crowd withstood morning downpours to chant "Jay Leno sucks!" as someone dressed as Leno ran around.
Then, their hero arrived, the skies turned blue, and "The Tonight Show" passed out pizza from Miceli's, as "Coco" made his way to the roof to wave to his fans.
"The whole time, people were just screaming their heads off," the post said. "Celebrity chaos at its best."Similar rallies were held in New York City and Chicago, even though everyone, including Conan O'Brien, is waiting for the official announcement that NBC will pay him millions of dollars to leave his gig, after only seven months.
NBC, it seems, is not with Coco.-- Maria Elena Fernandez
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Today we didn't really do much. We were pretty lazy actually. Blame it on the rain.
We went to breakfast at 1:00, did laundry that took FOR-EV-ERRR, then laid on the couch and watched t.v. and ate red velvet cake..Mmmm.. Perfect Sunday!
Oh yeah! We also did one of our favorite things! Take silly pictures.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Youth In Revolt

Was awful! I don't recommend it to anyone. And I especially don't recommend you see it with your mom. Slightly awkward.
Speaking of my Mom.
I love her lots! I had a lot of fun hanging out with her :)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
And we had our first "Ice Cream Date."
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Matchy Matchy
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Besides the fact that the majority of our clothes wouldn't dry after three, yes three, rides
in the dryer, and the random lady who took MY bra out of MY laundry basket and threw it in her machine only to be confronted by Tim saying, "Umm, did you take that bra? It's my girlfriends..", it was a lovely time.
<----- This is how Tim does laundry.
Possibly pondering whether he should use fabric softner or not. ------------------->