Weight: 11 lbs 12 oz
Height: 23 in.
Sleep: She is still waking to eat every 3 hours through the night
Clothes/Diaper Size: 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. I've already had to pack away her newborn clothes :(
Diet: Mostly breastmilk but we supplement with formula at night
Baby Gear Love: Mama Roo!
Milestones/Firsts: This month she had her first genuine smile and is holding her head up for longer periods of time.
Likes: Activity Mat, Going for walks in the Solly Wrap, Eating, and when Dad talks to her.
Dislikes: Going a minute past her feeding time and when Linus barks
First time at Church
First Easter

Trip to the OC Zoo

Aunt Devon came home from Thailand

First shots :(

First Baseball Game