I feel like there is so much happening in my life lately and
I for sure don't have time to blog but I need to document these things.
So without further ado (yeah, I know, I thought it was adieu as well...)
The Adventures of Jenna and Tim!

We are still in wedding planning mode although my excitement and lust for the
perfectly blog-worthy wedding is fading. I've moved into, "Let's hurry up
and get this marriage started" mode.
I just want to be his wife already!
I am still madly in love with the boy. He never ceases to amaze me with his
kindness and generosity towards me and others.
I really hit the jackpot with this guy.

We decided that planning a wedding wasn't enough for the year SO Tim now
has a beautiful home in escrow! We both said from the beginning that
we could not and would not fall in love with this home until Tim had the keys
in his hand, but we've failed. When we talk about it we call it "our house" and
we've already decided what we are doing with the rooms and which upgrades
we'll make. Things are looking positive this time around but we still need to
pray that this is where we are supposed to be
Work is..well...work. Still not my ideal job but I'm thankful that I am able
to work and pay bills and receive benefits. I will be taking full advantage
of this opportunity until I begin this new journey in a new city.
And that's about it for now. Until next time...