I wear the same shorts everyday paired with a flowy top to hide my leftover mom bod.
My hair is about 80% dry shampoo and tangled on top of my head in a messy bun.
My beauty routine consists of sometimes washing my face.
"I'm going to be that cute, stylish mom", I said at one point. Little did I know even the simplest of things would be difficult and eventually not even seem worth it anymore.
I have that cute dress in the closet with the tags still on it..the one I bought to make myself feel better about my new body. I have that cute, trendy, Madewell neck scarf that I've tried to wear a couple times but feel like I'm not "cool" enough to pull off anymore.
When I see that wonderfully put together mom at the mall with her baby wearing a matching sundress and sandals with mommy and baby mala bead necklaces and darling headwraps I wonder why I can't get myself to take more pride in my appearance.
When it comes down to it, my daughters style is on point and I just look like a slob kabob.
Any moms out there feel me?
How do you make sure you feel good about yourself and not lose who you once were?
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